Smart Pill Bottle: This technology would allow medical bottles that contain pills to interact with patients that take that medication. These bottles would store patient information, how many pills are in the bottle, and frequency for which the patient should be taking the medication. Patients would receive text messages or phone calls letting them know they missed a pill or they are running low on medicine and need to refill. In case of an accident basic patient information would be stored in the bottle, so medical personnel could diagnose the patient more quickly. There would also be some sort of security mechanism where only the patient could open the bottle and authorized users as well.
This technology will be available within 20 years. It will be available, because most of the technology is already out there. We already have services that notify us, whether it is our bank accounts, credit report/scores, or the recording television shows by mobile devices. Another reason why this technology will be available in a short amount of time is because we already have monitoring technology. For example, doctors give patients heart monitoring devices to take home for a couple of days and this device tracks all heart activity. As we can see the technology is actually already there, it is just the matter of consolidating it into one device that serves a specific purpose.